Our History
The vision for Truth Academy began in 2008 in the local coffee shop. Rebecca Irey and Kellee Metz visited while their kids attended AWANA at Calvary Memorial Church in Navarre. Both of them had been members of other homeschool groups in the past and had concluded that there were certain elements important to them, that were missing from those groups. They started brainstorming ideas for starting a new homeschool group to meet certain needs such as:
- Parents to have options to stay with their children or drop them off.
- Parents to have options of what courses would best support and enrich their specific homeschool.
- An administrator on-site so that if students had gaps in their schedule, there would be a place where they could be and use the gym or the Commons as a study space.
- A clear Statement of Faith for parents and teachers to sign to encourage like-mindedness in the community.
- A Code of Behavior that sets the guidelines on how they were going to resolve conflict in a Biblically honoring way.
- To be able to equip parents to reduce their fees for classes with the Scrips program.
- To focus on the ages of kids, not grades, to allow for maximum flexibility in scheduling.
- To have time set aside for parents to pray for the needs of our community.
- They also wanted to provide a parent support time where members could encourage each other on our homeschool journey.
With much prayer and God’s grace, the vision was implemented and the doors were opened in the fall of 2009. In the beginning, there were some decisions made out of necessity but were continued out of choice.
When Truth Academy shared the facility with the Calvary Christian school for the first year Friday afternoon was the time they agreed upon. Over the years, there have been questions of whether TA would ever consider changing the day of the week. The answer is “Yes, we consider it every year.” But TA finally decided that it fits us the best for several reasons: It allows parents to run their homeschool from Monday to Thursday in a way that best meets the needs of their family; It allows parents time on Friday to reflect on what went well that week, what didn’t go so well, and how to make some course corrections; Fridays allow parents to have a weekend to enjoy some family time and Sabbath rest, where they can be more than just the homeschool teacher, they can be parents.
TA is frequently asked whether we would consider adding another day of classes to the week. Yes, we have. We have been in groups where they have split the older students from the younger students on different days. What we have seen is that it divides the family. Often parents don’t want to be out of the house that much, so they pick a day, usually for the older students at the expense of the younger students, and ultimately those groups tend to fold when students age out of the group. We have chosen to focus on keeping the family together on one day instead of dividing loyalties. Also, every person on our team is currently homeschooling our own kids so we need to have enough margin and grace to focus on homeschooling our families as well.